
Showing posts from May, 2024

Post 15 - The Order of Things

Dear Reader, As I continue on my journey to getting a book published through traditional means (agented/traditional publishing presses) I'd like to update you guys on my progress. I've received the standard amount of boiler plate rejection letters while I try to find new agents or avenues to submit to. I decided to reach out to a friend who knows an editor that's in the business. It's making me second guess my existence. I'm confident in my storytelling ability but I'll admit that I'm less confident in my navigating the world of professional writing. I'm not afraid that the content isn't well written or that the story has no merit... No, it's more along the lines of finding someone who sees that I have potential and would like to mentor me. I'm at a point where I've taken my writing as far as I can by myself and need assistance crossing the next mile stone. I guess that's how I'll frame it to the editor since they are waiting on m

Post 14 - Currents

Good morning! (Or insert whatever time of day you're reading this.) I'm currently on my way to work and waiting for my bus to pick me up. I live in Las Vegas and am only a couple miles from work. Other than the convenience of being to go places exactly when you want to, I think it's financially cheaper and evens out for the most part. I'm still able to do most of the things I would be doing at home such as writing, reading, playing a game, or working on my computer (thanks phones). As such, I'm going to list a couple of the things I'm in the middle of during my commutes: Audio Book: 12 Years a Slave. I'm not normally big on audio books since I like to read at my own pace, enjoy hearing the characters in the voices my mind assigns them, and I have trouble focuses and imagining the scene. I'm only 36 years old and have noticed that my attention span has decreased significantly over the years for the worse. Before I'd be thrilled to watch a 3 hour long

Post 13 - The Swing of Things

Greetings reader, I'm changing up the title format for my blog from "days" to "post" as it was improperly titled from the outset. This now reflects sequential entries and actually makes sense. Oops. If you're an aspiring author such as myself I encourage you to check out They have a wealth of information on writing as both a craft and a career and have been vital to me in navigating the potential publishing process. Plus, they have writing contests! I entered the one that they have up currently, which I believe ends today. I went with a horror style and only used dialogue as a creative choice. I think it played out pretty well given the fact we can only go up to 3k words. They do a weekly contest and the topics have all been vastly different each time. Lastly, since my manuscript is off with potential agents, I'm beginning to organize and outline a new project... It's technically an old project that was original a short that verged on

Day 12 - Progress

  Progress: Let me be the first to point out the obvious: It's been literal MONTHS since my last post, and to be fair, there wasn't any sort of regularity even though severeal posts ago I claimed that I was turning over a new leaf, etc. etc.     Okay. Oops.     As it turns out, I got stuck in the general cycle of life--work, relax, repeat--but that isn't to say that I've been idle. I finished editing my manuscript iNKWELL, wrote up a detailed synopsis, toiled over my query letter endlessly, worked out a pitch, put together a folder/package to help with submissions/queries, and then sent my manuscript off into the wild to about 80 agents. I've receieved a few rejections so far, which is to be expected. Realistically, I hope to hear back within the next few months or the next year or so.     I've also starting typing up my next manuscript. It was an idea that I'd been kicking around for a while and even ended up doing a short story for about 10 years ago. I ha