Day 12 - Progress



Let me be the first to point out the obvious: It's been literal MONTHS since my last post, and to be fair, there wasn't any sort of regularity even though severeal posts ago I claimed that I was turning over a new leaf, etc. etc.

    Okay. Oops.

    As it turns out, I got stuck in the general cycle of life--work, relax, repeat--but that isn't to say that I've been idle. I finished editing my manuscript iNKWELL, wrote up a detailed synopsis, toiled over my query letter endlessly, worked out a pitch, put together a folder/package to help with submissions/queries, and then sent my manuscript off into the wild to about 80 agents. I've receieved a few rejections so far, which is to be expected. Realistically, I hope to hear back within the next few months or the next year or so.

    I've also starting typing up my next manuscript. It was an idea that I'd been kicking around for a while and even ended up doing a short story for about 10 years ago. I hand wrote out some portions of the story and then just kind of ran with it. The story arc and direction is more or less done in a very rough form and has been sitting in my writing drawer for a few years. I've been chipping away some nights after work (my day job, bleh) and the excitement and enthusiasm are returning.

    In the meantime I've been trying to enter some writing contests to improve and practice my writing. I wish it was simply for the sake of creating and having fun, but there is the business side of things where I hope that I win so I can use it as a platform to justify to the powers that be that I'm worth taking a shot on. "Hey, I won this so maybe people like me and my writing." It's harder to put forth the unproven, especially when times are as they are. I'll just keep at it.

    It helps that I have a friend who also writes. He isn't a professional by trade, as in he didn't go to school for writing and doesn't have any published works, but there is somethig to be said for someone who hasn't been taught traditional structure. I believe people have an innate sense of style and will subconsciously mimic what works, but at the outset, there is a lot of trial and error and chance for originality. He's churned out some real rough sentences at times but the content... My God, the content is so rich you'll ask for seconds.

    Working on writing something of your own? Keep at it! Further along in your own writing career and have some sage advice for me? Hey, always appreciate that too. Feel free to message me, leave a comment, do the things. Until next time though, take care!



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