
Showing posts from June, 2024

Post 18 - Gamer at Heart

Dear reader, It pains me to admit how much I love video games. As in type this out on my phone, I'm also simultaneously playing Persona 5 Royal on my Playstation 5. It's incredible from a story telling perspective and the writing is better than plenty of books and movies. Don't knock video games as an art form, because that's precisely what they are. That isn't to say that there aren't a ton of games that are simply that--games.      There's a lot of great games to look forward to this year and the following. I love the tech advances since I was a wee lad. I have a VR unit and that shit would have blown young Denis's mind. Like, erased every thought. It's almost ironic that now that I'm grown up and have the money to buy the things I want, I don't have the time to enjoy them. Dumb. I really have to pick and choose which ones I end up playing all the way through. I start a lot these days and then let them fall by the wayside. It's like hav

Post 17 - New Keyboard, New Me

 Ahoy! I hope this message finds you well. Whoever you may be.  I went on a little tech spree today because I was basically bored and convinced myself that I needed these things. Plus, if you read my last post, you know that it is hot as hell and that I'd rather not go outside. I use Amazon to have my groceries delivered, so why not more normal stuff like an in-home camera to watch for intruders and also keep an eye on my silly cat. I'm going on vacation soon and will be having someone stay at my place, but it also gives me peace of mind that I can check in, hit auto feed on my cat feeder, have a cloud upload for intruders, etc. etc. I also bought a small, cheap, yet surprisingly effective wireless bluetooth keyboard for my tablet. It's back lit and each key is about the size of my finger point. I'm making a few errors here and there but I think that's because I should have a mouse pad  to keep it from slipping.      It's always something.     I do think this wi

Post 16 - First of the Month

Today is June 1st, the first of the month! What does that mean? Well, for starters it means that summer is approaching and with it blistering hot weather that has already started melting my brain. Seriously, it's broken 100° F the last several days and it's only getting started. I'm not a big fan of Las Vegas during summer. For me my AC struggles to keep up, I rarely want to go outside because it feels like a slow hellish death, and if you try cooling down by going into a pool, you'll eventually have to get back out, right back into the frying pan. Ugh. Since it's the first of the month I like to try and start strong and line up a few projects that are writing/personal works so I have some direction and a constant goal to work towards. I was able to connect with an editor in Seattle through a friend who is accepting my manuscript Inkwell to be worked on/evaluated for content and feedback. It's the same manuscript that is currently out to dozens of agents. There&